Monday, November 10, 2008

yes everyone this is the location.. my humble 21st BBQ picnic on this coming Sunday, Nov 16th 2008 from evening 4.30p.m onwards till real late! there will be food and booze along with exhilarating entertainment! please if you are reading this now it means you're coordinately invited.. friends it would be so kind if you'd bring along some ready-to-eat, frozen, raw or any food at all just to make damn sure we'd all have enough food to enjoy ourselves through the night.. beers are welcomed with open arms too.. and do help me to spread the news cos I suck at doing so.. bring extra clothes too if anyone decides to take a dip in the sea hahaha.. loud music, balloons, fire, smoke, thrown to the sea, human muachi, shots, chugs, till drinks do us part, overeating, acoustic guitars, Frisbee, live awkward match-makings, jackass stunts, sand castles, mash mallows melting, random crude jokes, drive the neighbouring BBQ parties crazy are all part of the entertainment.. sounds awesome? if it is then bring your asses down and give me a HELLYEAH!!!!!

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